Thursday, 3 November 2011

The self-appointed King of stealth

As is always the case with the death of a loved one, certain personality quirks come to the fore and even in this time of sadness, cannot fail but bring a smile to the faces of those left behind. Cookie had more personality than most people, and this shone through no more than during one of his self-appointed missions, usually with the end goal being a morsel of food or a good snuggling location.

He would often try initially a direct approach: the headbutt that signaled to you that the boy wanted some affection, or the sneaky peak around the door to see if the coast was clear for another run at the dog's food bowl. With the former, on the occasion whereby his demands were not met, instead of admitting defeat, he'd soldier on regardless. Now, Cookie was never the most elegant of cats, it has to be said. In fact, if we're trying to quantify his cat-ness, it's fair to say he would be considered a 'Cause for Concern'. Yet this would never deter him from his mission. He would leap with all the dignity, poise and balance that he could muster, onto the top of the sofa, choosing the covert route behind your head in order to get what he wanted. I don't think I ever saw him complete one of these missions without falling off, knocking something over, or disturbing another resting cat - not that we ever needed any help in knowing what he was up to anyway. For he had that determined glint in his eye, a determination that saw him through so many of the troubles that life threw his way. And although he always got what he wanted in the end, you could plainly see that a little part of him KNEW that it was only as a direct result of his stealthy escapades.

It was impossible not to adore this cat, for the qualities he espoused with everything that he did, his lovable inability to do anything remotely catlike, or for being the pet that was completely unflustered by anything whatsoever.

Sleep well, little dude.

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